Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Director Territorial Emergency Disaster Services The Salvation Army Los Angeles

Job description
The Salvation Army Western USA Territorial Headquarters, located in Long Beach, CA, seeks a Territorial Emergency / Disaster Services Director to act as a resource and coordinator in all phases of emergency management for ten divisions. The position is responsible for enhancing divisional capacity, coordinating regional planning, conducting emergency management training, networking with government and nonprofit emergency management liaisons, participating / leading in all regional / territorial emergency response and recovery efforts, and being available to national and international efforts.

Salary commensurate with experience. Minimum requirements include Bachelor's degree in emergency management or similar degree, and / or an equivalent combination of education and experience, with eight years minimum experience in disaster response and recovery work, including incident command. Some essential duties and responsibilities include:

Meets on a regular basis with all divisional emergency management personnel in order to build and document divisional capacity.
Develops, implements, and maintains emergency management training curriculum and conducts annual training and exercises.
Coordinates all administrative management functions necessary to professionally support territorial emergency services.
Serves as territorial / regional liaison with all government and nonprofit emergency management personnel.
Represents the Western Territory to all national emergency management personnel and committees.
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