Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Marketing Director Sony Music Entertainment New York

Job Description: • 2-minute read •
This role is the primary label contact responsible for managing artist projects and coordinating the efforts between departments.
Develop marketing/release plans for artist releases
Serve as primary point of contact with artists and management regarding marketing activities
Tell me about yourself - The perfect answer - For more visit www.careeradvice.org
Prepare and defend quarterly and annual project marketing budget requests
Oversee all processes related to visual elements in product packaging and project marketing
Work closely with A&R and other departments to identify commercial applications for project assets and coordinate productization and marketing of same
Lead efforts to align artist on-line presence and marketing with overall project goals
Closely coordinate activities of all internal departments and external personnel to ensure project success
Maintain artist calendars and promo itineraries and disseminate to all internal departments
Work with strategic marketing and Film/TV departments to identify and secure opportunities for artists
Create and maintain project reports for all artists

Previous involvement in the music business, preferably at a record label with prior marketing/product management experience.
High level of interpersonal people skills.
The ability and skill-set to communicate directly with artists and artist management.
Strong knowledge of urban music.
Must have knowledge of creating marketing plans from scratch and the ability to maintain timelines and deadlines.
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