Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Director Consumer Planning Diageo New York

Job Description: • 2-minute read •
Envision and champion the potential of the Smirnoff trademark in the US. Smirnoff vodka is Diageo’s largest spirit brand by volume in this market and globally. Smirnoff Ice is our most frequently purchased product in the US. Infuse everyone around with belief in the brand’s future growth.
Watch: Career Advice
Promote a deep, rich, immersive understanding of consumers diverse in generation, ethnicity and race. Appreciate their culture, aspirations, and behaviors to enable brand growth through marketing and innovation. Develop authoritative insights on the people who buy our brand. Know what unifies them, how and why they should be segmented, and what will motivate them.
Own all stages of primary and secondary research, from methodology selection to management of vendor output, ensuring all work complies with our responsible research guidelines. Help others leverage consumer learning to change the game. Dig in and love the technical work, and use your passion to inspire action from it.
Generate clarity of direction and inspirational goals in the making of marketing – whether creative, media, product innovation, packaging and design. From briefing to execution, inform, inspire, and guide creative and strategic agencies to deliver awesome results.
Support decision making by helping others see the possibilities of what might be, while bringing forward solid insight about what is working and why. Strive to bring creativity and commercial viability into alignment always. Bring an intent to innovate and optimize every day.
Participate in a community of consumer planners. Grow yourself and help others grow, by bringing your special know-how to collaborative projects. Be a champion of the planning discipline to the broader organization, building regard for the connection between brilliant strategies and marketplace success.
Be out front in Diageo. Get people to rally around your best planning ideas. Care deeply that stakeholders sit up, take note, and put great consumer strategies into action.

Experience/Skills Required
10+ years’ experience in consumer strategy and insight (insights department, agency, consulting)
Spirits experience not required but experience with lifestyle brands (e.g., fashion, luxury, beverage, automotive) and/or innovation desirable.
An informed love of the branded world, fascination with consumer psychology and the dynamics that influence behavior and desire, and deep interest in codes and trends in food and drink culture.
Facility with a diverse range of research methods and information sources to inform business decisions, analyze problems, and uncover the truths about people and situations.
Zero fear of data. Highly developed skill for quantitative analysis and seeing the story in the spreadsheet.
A track record of identifying the consumer insight that empowers a business breakthrough, using a suite of problem solving approaches, leveraging different perspectives, reframed contexts, lateral thinking, and creative connections.
Nuanced understanding of marketing and innovation, from package design for new products, to social media strategies for iconic global brands. Technical expertise must be accompanied by great gut instinct.
Communicating brilliantly: cogent and memorable writing, impactful and well-designed visuals, confident and poised presenting that persuades, inspires, and brings people along.
Great people skills: valuing and cultivating professional relationships, drawing on different strategies to get the most out of others, being flexible to offer what others need.
Imagination and adaptability. Seeing possibilities, devising experiments, iterating on the fly.
BA in psychology, anthropology, sociology, or other humanities discipline. Graduate work/degree in marketing or business preferred.
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