The Director Of CRM Training Will Be Responsible For
Liaison with the Systems Integrator (V2) on all “Training Track” activities
Build and update all SFDC training material for all (89) user communities
Coordinate initial and follow up training of all user groups that will use have
log ins to the new “REBOOT” instance of SFDC
Produce and update all LearnCore video training materials for SFDC user groups
Run all SFDC trainings in New Hire boot camps
Conduct ongoing virtual help sessions for all user SFDC groups
Train and develop the executive team on how to leverage SFDC as a management tool
Build and administer and SFDC certification programs
Work with customer success manager to stay current with quarterly feature updates. Work with the SFDC admin team to determine what to roll and when. Be accountable for bring user community up to speed on new features and functions as we add them.
Work to establish and run a SFDC Center of Excellence with users from the
Publisher teams and Verizon teams
Work with International teams and Publisher teams to elevate usage patterns and extract more utility from current systems
Participate in scoping – design – planning of new instances of SFDC with systems integrator that will be rolled out to International teams and publisher teams
Attend SFDC user group conferences to stay current on best practices
Play an active role in helping the Learning and Development team execute on other training programs as needed