Saturday, February 08, 2014

Senior Counsel - Marketing Advertising Branding - SanDisk - San Francisco

Job description
Senior Counsel - Marketing Advertising Branding

The ideal candidate will lead legal marketing, advertising and trademark/legal aspects of branding for business to business clients, as well as, on an as-needed basis, support similar needs of other groups such as the Retail Business Unit and

Corporate Communications.
We are seeking a seasoned technical marketing and advertising counselor with experience supporting both hardware and software technologies, particularly in the business-to-business (enterprise, OEM and channel) space in the semiconductor and/or storage industry.

Desired Skills and Experience
Major Duties/Responsibilities include providing front-line legal counseling to the internal clients on a broad range of issues in support of:
• Marketing:
Provide legal support, in particular to enterprise, channel and software internal clients on matters such as: reviewing customer and partner-facing marketing materials, web, digital and print marketing and advertising campaigns and associated corporate communications and press releases; and
Ensure legal compliance of all customer/partner promotions, partner agreements; product packaging, advertising and substantiation of claims;
• Training and Continual Process Improvement: Develop and provide compliance training on marketing and advertising matters;
• Support licensing and agreements as well as mergers, acquisitions and strategic investments;
• Counsel clients in legal aspects of branding to create, publicize and enforce branding standards; and
• Identify emerging trends and developments in the law and proactively develop strategies and tools that will help the business benefit from, and manage new risks associated with, such emerging trends and developments.

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