Monday, February 10, 2014

Regional Sales Manager - Thomson Reuters - San Francisco

Job description
Primary Objective(s)

The Regional Sales Manager (RSM) is responsible for managing team of Client Development Sales Consultants in an assigned region to optimize the region’s performance and year over year growth. The RSM manages, coaches and successfully motivates his/her team to achieve and exceed sales targets and quotas.

FindLaw is the leading provider of online legal information and solutions for the legal community, businesses and individuals. The FindLaw Internet portal is the highest-trafficked legal Web site, according to leading independent Internet-traffic-monitoring services. FindLaw also offers comprehensive information, resources and services for law practice and legal career development, including free case law, an online career center, breaking legal news, newsletters, message boards, service directories, continuing legal education and legal search tools.

Key Responsibilities
Attains regional sales targets and FindLaw quota on a monthly basis
Recruits, trains, coaches and motivates FindLaw sales consultants with a high standard of excellence
Ensures compliance of all required reporting and effective use of all internal tools and resources
Obtains and provides information regarding market intelligence and penetration within the region
Oversees the negotiation of major sales and revenue retention initiatives within the region
Analyzes sales territories and recommends quota and territory alignments to improve sales performance
Provides recommendations on proposed new products and enhancement of existing products
Assists FindLaw sales consultants in the resolution of customer-related issues
Plans, coordinates and conducts regional sales meetings
Submits regional sales performance reports as requested by division management
Performs such similar, comparable, or related duties as may be required or assigned

We are the leading source of intelligent information for the world's businesses and professionals, providing customers with competitive advantage. Intelligent information is a unique synthesis of human intelligence, industry expertise and innovative technology that provides decision-makers with the knowledge to act, enabling them to make better decisions faster. We deliver this must-have insight to the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization.

Desired Skills and Experience
Qualifications, Experience, Knowledge and skills
4 year college degree; JD or MBA strongly preferred
Strong appreciation and understanding of the fundamentals of how law firms operate and are profitable
Strong understanding and experience with Solution Selling/Consultative Sales
Prior management experience desired
5-7 years of successful proven direct sales experience
Previous FindLaw sales experience preferred
Proven experience in website design, content creation and search engine marketing concepts
Strong B2B business development skills, including demonstrable experience in sales/up-sell, retention and solutions development
Skilled in coaching effectively, managing overall performance; ability to demonstrate and teach job related skills to optimize employee’s performance
Adept at forecasting monthly sales results
Ability to use financial tools to assist in planning, forecasting and productivity improvement
Works collaboratively across boundaries and gets things done despite divergent goals, cultures and perspectives
Service orientation and experience in professional client presentations
Proficient with office applications such as MS Office
Creative and adaptable with the ability to effectively coach and lead in a changing environment
Excellent time management and organizational skills
Excellent communication skills: verbal, written and presentation
Ability to travel

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