The Secretary of Defense established the DPAA consolidating the Defense Prisoner of War and Missing Personnel Office (DPMO), Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), and select functions of the U.S. Air Force's Life Sciences Equipment Laboratory (LSEL).
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is the principal staff element of the Secretary of Defense in the exercise of policy development, planning, resource management, and program evaluation responsibilities.

As the Director, DPAA works in coordination with the military services, other DoD components, Federal Agencies, and partner nations toward the goal of providing families and the Nation with the fullest possible accounting of missing personnel from past conflicts.
This position reports directly to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)).
Establishes and directs DPAA and organizes and manages its personnel, budget, and other resources to accomplish the responsibilities and functions, including transformation of how DoD has conducted past conflict personnel accounting.
Advises the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, through the USD(P), on past conflict personnel accounting matters.
Accounts for U.S. military personnel, DoD civilian employees, DoD contractors, and other persons, as directed by the Secretary of Defense, who are determined to be in a Missing Status or whose remains were not in the custody of the U.S. Government (USG) after hostilities or military operations cease within combatant theaters of operations (i.e. World War II, the Cold War, Korean War, Indochina War, and Persian Gulf War, Operations Eldorado Canyon and Restore Hope).
Establishes policies and procedures, which apply uniformly throughout the DoD, to account for DoD personnel, who had been reported in a missing status from past conflicts, including locating, recovering, and identifying remains after hostilities have ceased.
Develops DoD policy guidance for post conflict personnel activities worldwide. Ensures past conflict personnel accounting operations and activities conducted in foreign countries are coordinated in advance with the appropriate OSD Principal Staff Assistants, the Secretary of State, and heads of other Federal departments and agencies.
Coordinates within DoD, among the Military Departments, the Joint Staff, and the Combatant Commands for all matters pertaining to accounting for DoD personnel from past conflicts.
Establishes, trains, and deploys worldwide teams to search, locate, and recover remains from past conflicts.
Leads and maintains world-class laboratories to identify remains of DoD personnel from past conflicts.
Serves as the DoD lead for analyzing, tasking, and evaluating all reporting, investigations, and procedures that renders analytic conclusions that an unaccounted-for person is or may be alive, final analytic judgments for what constitutes fullest possible accounting for DoD personnel from past conflicts. Defines, maintains, and enumerates USG past conflict personnel accounting lists.
Establishes and leads a communication and outreach program in coordination with the Assistant Secretaries of Defense for Public Affairs and Legislative Affairs, and the DoD General Counsel to share information on DoD programs and activities pertaining to past conflict personnel accounting between officials of DPAA, Federal Departments and Agencies, members of Congress, family members of unaccounted-for DoD personnel, veterans' service organizations, concerned citizens, and the public on DPAA's efforts to account for DoD persons from past conflicts. Works closely with the appropriate Military Department Casualty Office that is responsible for communications and outreach with family members of unaccounted-for DoD personnel.
Travel Required
50% or Greater
Travel to offices across the United States, Asia and Europe.

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